Since 2011, Minecraft has been one of the most popular games among players. Developed by Manjong, it has 91 million players playing it every month. This is quite a huge number and when so many people are playing, there are bound to be errors, crashes, and similar issues with the servers. Like most other games, Minecraft has its community forums where players discuss the gaming strategies and troubleshooting tips.

One of the common errors is$annotatedconnectexception and many users encounter this error while playing. This error arises when the players try connecting to a server and is getting refused due to some issue. Since this error is consistent in all the servers, there is no other choice but to fix it.$annotatedconnectexception error box

Causes of$annotatedconnectexception error

Before you fix any issue, you must know the cause behind it. There are multiple reasons for the occurrence of this error.

No Connection Established at All

The first issue could be the connection might have been refused to the server due to your IP address. It is possible that a wrong IP address has been entered while trying to creating a connection with a server. Sometimes, the port might be wrong too. If the IP address and port number are not correct, the connection will not be forwarded. There are two kinds of IP addresses: dynamic and static. If you have a dynamic IP address, it will occasionally change as the same IP address might be given to multiple users.

Firewall could be disrupting the Connection

Secondly, a firewall might be causing$annotatedconnectexception. If you have a Windows firewall, it will prevent you from connecting to the server. Until the game is in the exclusion list for that firewall, the connection will not be established or ends up getting refused.

Java is not Updated

Java might need to be updated from time to time, in order for you to play Minecraft as the game uses the latest version. If Java is not updated, this could cause trouble while playing the game. It does not let you utilize specific features of Minecraft.

Software Compatibility

Lastly, it might not be the server issue but your software is what causing the problem. It is possible that the software on your device is not compatible with the game. You might be playing Minecraft on a computer that does not have the right software. You can search online for the software that is incompatible with Minecraft. The developers have issued an official list.

Now that we know that the$annotatedconnectexception error is being caused due to one of these reasons the next step is to find the remedy. We will go on to explaining the possible solutions so that you can try and fix this issue and not getting refused to get connected to the server.

How to Fix$annotatedconnectexception?

We have mentioned the causes above and all you need to do is remove them so that the game works perfectly fine on your device. Some of the methods to solve this issue are mentioned below.

Method 1: Reset the Router

This is the first thing you tend to do whenever something goes wrong with your computer so you can do the same for fixing$annotatedconnectexception too. If you are using a static IP address, then it is most probably not the problem. However, if you have a dynamic IP address, it will be changed when you reset the Internet.

  • Turn off the button on the router. Disconnect the power plug.
  • Wait for a few minutes.
  • Connect the power plug again and check if the connection is established this time and the game is working without any problems now.
  • If you are still being refused by the server, move on to the next step.
Causes of$annotatedconnectexception

Method 2: Add IP Address

As mentioned above, your IP address might be the problem if it is dynamic. So, you can add the IP address and change your port to connect to the server.

  • Go to Start Menu and search for ‘Command Prompt’.
  • Click on ‘Run as Administrator’.
Add IP Address to solve the error
  • Then, type the command ‘ipconfig’ and check your IP address.
Add IP Address to fix$annotatedconnectexception
  • Write down your IP address somewhere so that you do not forget this information.
  • Then, go to Minecraft Servers Folder and then to Maxwell (some random numbers).
  • After that, go to Minecraft Server and locate Server Properties.
  • Note your Server Port. It can be different from different users.
  • After noting down all the information, go to Minecraft and then to Navigate.
  • After that, go to Play Multiplayer.
  • Select your server and click on it. Go to Edit.
  • No matter what the server name is, let it stay the same. Make sure the IP address and port number are the same that you noted earlier.
press done to refresh
  • Then, click on Done and refresh the game.

In most cases, this fixes the$annotatedconnectexception error as either the IP address or the port number is wrong.

Method 3: Add Minecraft in the Exclusion List in Firewall for Windows

If you are using a windows firewall, it might be blocking Minecraft, hence the connection issue. In this case, you must add an exception in the firewall for the game. When you add the exception, the firewall will not block Minecraft anymore for your windows.

  • Go to the Windows Start menu and then to Settings.
  • In Settings, go to Updates and Security and then to Windows Security.
  • Find the option for Firewall & Network Protection and click on it.
  • Scroll down until you see the option for ‘Allow an app through Firewall’.
  • You can add the exception to any app here. Click here and then on Change Settings.
  • When you see a warning prompt, proceed by clicking on Yes.
  • Then, Click on Browse in the ‘Allow another app’ option.
  • Locate the game directory. Select the game directory and launcher.
  • Follow the same instructions and then select the directory where Minecraft servers are installed.
  • Go to the Maxwell folder and then to the MinecraftServer folder.
  • Allow the Java executables in this folder just like you allowed the servers. There will be two executables and you have to allow both of them.
  • Follow the steps again and then select ‘Change’ instead of selecting ‘Allow another app’.
  • Scroll down until you see Java Platform SE Binary.
Java Platform SE Binary
  • Check the Private and Public networks. This will allow them.
  • Now, go back to Minecraft launcher and see if you can connect to the server.

Method 4: Getting Compatible Softwares

Unfortunately, there is nothing much that can be done here except getting rid of the incompatible software and getting those that won’t cause issues with the server. Just check out the list that is officially out and see if there is a culprit that is preventing you to connect.


I hope this information is useful and one of these methods should fix$annotatedconnectexception. However, if you still see the error and still not able to connect then you should get in touch with Minecraft support.

Also do share the information with us so that we can share it with the rest of the miners.

Moreover, If you are playing Minecraft on a laptop, you can download software like Reimage Plus. This removes any corrupt files in your windows and allows the game to work properly if the server misconnection is being caused by corrupt files. Alternatively, you can also go to the community forums and get help from one of the tech experts there. We hope this guide helped you fix the$annotatedconnectexception error.

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